The Stage 32 Videos: Podcasts Of Color

The Sister Lab

A podcast from 3 sisters, Chynna, Mia, and Felicia.


Introducing The Melanite Challenge. A component of The Theophilus Project.

Podcast: In The Mix with Gabrielle Elyse

After a year long hiatus and all this pandemic craziness, I welcome you back with a brand spankin' new set up and an even more spankin' guest. Enjoy this epi...

Talk About Apples (Sound Bite) Episode 6

In this episode of Talk About Apples, Dr. Apples knew he had a work on astral projection in traveling back into his physical body the same way he left. He couldn’t remember much from mini experiences. Soon, the process become a second nature to him. By the age of 14 he became agile. Think he had mastered the technique. He describes his experiences with his mother, Miss BaRule.

Talk About Apples (Sound Bite) Episode 5

Knowing there was more to this third dimension, Dr. Apples grew up alone. He is okay with this arrangement. The void of not having to a common date of these issues gave him the freedom to explore his mind rather than socialize with the simples.

Talk About Apples (Sound Bite) Episode 4

Thankfully Dr. Apples was able to leave Eugene's home but not before nearly ingesting the grotesque and disgusting "dessert" they had prepared for him. He relayed everything to his mother in a near panic. Upon hearing everything (well, almost everything) his mother decided to not push him to socialize any more. Dr. Apples knew that what the "Simples" thought and did couldn't be all there is to all of existence but he needed more proof. His mother still made him go to school which he viewed as an opportunity to prove his judgments right. One day the teacher wanted everyone to bring in something special to them and show it to the class. What could Dr. Apples possibly have to show the other kids to help them understand him more?

Talk About Apples (Sound Bite) Episode 2

After amassing 74 different dolls each one acquired during each passing birthday, Dr. Apples grew frustrated of only having clues to the whereabouts of his mother but no answers. But first, to understand where we are going it's important to understand where we came from. We learn of Dr. Apples' childhood, where he grew up, what he liked, his relationship with his mother, and much more. His mother was a remarkable woman unto her own right. She was frequently found conjuring spells and brewing potions to help heal the locals. Be sure to listen to find out more about where everything began for our magical and mysterious Dr. Apples.


When I am asked, what I am creating, I tend to struggle with it. Through my Podcast, I am trying different elevator pitches to see what resonates best. This one seems to be the closest. What do you think?

Theophilus Project Intro

Follow me as I do creative shadow work and build a new dimension full of stories where they unseen are seen!
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